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HLP 2024 New Year Resolution (New Year New Challenges)

HLP 2024 New Year Resolution (New Year New Challenges)
Today is Jan 14, 2024. Hope we are not too late to get out our resolutions for the New Year. We took our sweet time to think about what we want and can do this year. To summarize all the resolutions, they can all come together to one goal: continue growing our small pet supply shop by implementing new strategies and also keep up the good work we’ve been doing. We categorized all our resolutions into three sections: 1) HLP Team Lifestyle Resolutions; 2) HLP Products & Services Resolutions; and 3) Marketing Resolutions. Then in each section, we share more detailed resolutions and our implementation plans. At the end, we also shared our measurable expected outcomes to help measure our success at the end of the year. Some resolutions are more measurable but some are not because they are brand new things. If you are interested, read along and follow us through our journey through social media or our email list.

HLP Team Lifestyle Resolutions

1. Making More Pet Friends

This is not only a must lifestyle goal for our team but should be a personal goal for everyone. Meeing more pets is just healthy for you by boosting up your serotonin. Here are some specific ways we will implement to make this happen.

  • Taking our dog bosses to the dog parks to make new friends
  • Visit our friends more frequently (especially those who have pets in their houses)
  • For cats, we can find cat cafes where you can make so many new cat friends
  • We will also be reaching out to more pet accounts to initiate the friendship
2. Taking Better Care of Our Boss Babies

We have been doing our best to provide our boss babies with the best life they can have. However, after we started Hug Love Product, we opened another door to see a world where they can have an even more fun & comfortable life and where we can also benefit from it. 

  • Continue to Learn and Educate Ourselves. We were naive to think we knew enough to enter the pet business. We realized now that we barely know things. We may not know our pets that well, let alone think about the pet industry. So we have been and will continue to learn and research to serve not only our pets’ needs but also your pets’ needs better. 
  • Continue to Discover our Boss's Needs & Wants. You won’t believe just how many new sides of our babies we get to discover in 2023!!! Our boss Yoda, never really played with the toy we bought him from Petco. So we concluded that he might not like toys. But now with the huge varieties of toys we were able to have at home from product testing for our small business, we found out that, he loves toys, especially the ones with crinkle paper. And as a large breed dog, he likes small toys over large squeaker plushes (which is what we always get for him before). We are looking forward to discovering more. So you should keep discovering too! 
  • Get Pet Supplies that Also Appeal to Hooman. Just one of our observations, we found that if the pet products also align with Hooman interests (aesthetically pleasing, interesting elements, hooman functions, etc), we Hooman are more likely to use them to Interact with Our Bosses. That leads to more together time with our bosses, which means our bosses will be happier. We want to know your opinions on this view. Comment down below to share your takes on this. Do you agree or disagree? Why?

Product & Service Resolutions

There are so many things we want to try and do to provide more options for you and your pets. So as we usher in a new year, we are unwavering in our dedication to our products. 

1. Continue Our Global Search Journey
If you have been following us, you may know that we source from all our the world for fun and exciting products for our pets in 2023. We test every one of the products ourselves and make them available to you when they pass our tests. We spent over $9000 in product testing alone, to be able to launch a little over 250 products. We have boxes of products that failed our tests. Moving forward, we will continue our global product search journey with a few strategy changes.
  • Less Holiday Products. Holiday products are fun!!! It’s so sad to say this, but our testing experience in 2023 tells us that, holiday pet goods are more likely in poor quality. Most of the products in the “not-good” testing piles are holiday-themed. There are so many amazing designs out there, but at least the manufacturers or sources we could find at the time were mostly bad. Until we can find a better solution that is suitable for HLP growth, we will cut down on sourcing Holiday Products 
  • Include Our Affiliate Families in the Product Testing Process. In 2023, we tested all the products by ourselves. However, there are a lot of limitations for us when testing products. For example, for cat products, we no longer have a stable source of cats to test products (= we no longer have a team cat(s) anymore). Ivy does have friends with cats, but she is allergic to cat fur, so it's unlikely to do cat testing a lot. Other members do not have access to all the sample products and tools for product testing (with life changes, our team is spread all over the world now, so sad). Another example is, for clothing items, we would test order all the sizes and variations, however, we do not have pets in all sizes to test them out. That is why we are bringing out the big guns!!!! We have started to implement a test version testing process with our affiliates at the end of 2023. In 2024, we are looking forward to being more intertwined with our affiliates in our product testing process. Read more about our affiliate programs in our Marketing Goals section. 
2. Continue Unify Pet Clothing Size

We have launched a pet sizing survey campaign in 2023. When we were testing out clothing products, we found the size designs vary a lot from manufacturer and design. The “XS” for “A Style” clothing can be equivalent to an “XL” for “B Style” clothing. So the purpose of our campaign is to first learn the actual sizing measurements from different breeds, ages, and sexes of pets. Then with enough information, we want to find a solution that can help better guide you when shopping for your boss's clothing in our shop. We are committed to ensuring that every pet can enjoy our products comfortably and confidently. Here are a few actions we plan to implement to help reach the goal:

  • Extend and enhance our pet sizing survey campaign to gather more comprehensive data on pet dimensions, preferences, and comfort levels.
  • Engage with our community through various channels to encourage participation and collect diverse insights.
  • Collaborate closely with our affiliates to conduct thorough testing of clothing sizing on a diverse range of pets.
  • Gather feedback from affiliate partners on fit, comfort, and any sizing challenges faced by different pet breeds.
  • Analyze the data collected from surveys and testing to identify common patterns and challenges in pet sizing.
3. Launch HLP Handmade Line

As we embark on a new year, we are thrilled to announce the launch of our product line, beginning with the creation of handmade bandanas. Our resolution for 2024 is to infuse love and creativity into every stitch, providing pet owners with unique, high-quality accessories. We seek to design products that not only enhance the pet's experience but also reflect the personal style and preferences of their human companions. Through this new journey, we aim to gain valuable experience and lay the foundation for expanding into a diverse range of handmade pet products.

  • Introduce a collection of handmade bandanas that reflect the spirit and personality of Hug Love Products.
  • Pet and Human Matching Collections. Introduce matching pet and human product collections, fostering a sense of unity and companionship between pets and their owners.
  • Focus on meticulous craftsmanship, ensuring each bandana is made with the highest quality materials and attention to detail.
  • Curate seasonal and limited edition product releases to add an element of excitement and exclusivity for our customers.
  • Actively seek and integrate customer feedback on the design, comfort, and style of the handmade bandanas.
  • Develop a roadmap for expanding our handmade product line beyond bandanas, considering items like collars, toys, and pet apparel.
4. HLP Pet Arts & Customizations
If you didn’t know yet, we have an artist on board, Bonnie. In 2024, we are thrilled to tell you that her pet art will be turned into products in various forms. We want to add a space in our online pet shop for creativity and individuality. Our focus is on implementing unique pet arts and customizations, offering personalized options for both pet products and delightful items for our cherished pet-loving community. We also want to create and provide a platform for artists to earn and have fun with their talented pet art. 
  • Provide unique and diverse pet art in different product forms that resonate with different tastes.
  • Enable customers to express their love for their pets by adding names, paw prints, or custom messages to the products they purchase.
  • Launch a pet art service where customers can get personalized artworks of their beloved pets on different products
  • Find our target product for pet art (products we are exploring to offer: digital art, canvas bags, phone cases, puzzles, t-shirts)
  • If we can, collaborate with skilled artisans to offer handcrafted and bespoke items that reflect the individuality of each pet.
5. Speeding Up Your Smiles

2024 We are committed to delivering not only exceptional pet products but also a seamless and expedited fulfillment experience for our customers. We resolve to optimize our fulfillment process, focusing on speed and efficiency. This includes stocking more products in the US for faster domestic delivery and utilizing third-party fulfillment centers for international orders and backup purposes.

  • Increase our product inventory stocked in the US to facilitate quicker and more efficient deliveries for our domestic customers.
  • Implement advanced inventory management systems to monitor product availability in real time.
  • Implement transparent communication practices to keep customers informed about order status, shipping times, and any potential delays. Utilize automated tracking and notification systems to provide real-time updates.
  • Forge strategic partnerships with fulfillment centers and logistics providers to ensure a seamless and reliable delivery process. Regularly communicate with these partners to address any challenges and optimize the efficiency of the supply chain.

Marketing Resolutions

If we have to say one thing we failed in 2023. It is marketing. Although every part of the business is important, to be successful, we need to step up our game in 2024. However, we do not have the budget for tons of ads, so we plan to develop a comprehensive marketing strategy to effectively showcase our products and bring traffic to our shop. We will utilize social media, email newsletters, and collaborations to generate excitement and anticipation.

1. Upgrade Our Affiliate Program

We launched our very own Affiliate Program in 2023. The goal was to build a community and we could help each other to grow together. As a start, we were satisfied with what we’ve accomplished so far. As we learn more and gather more feedback from our supporting affiliates, we look forward to upgrading our affiliate program. As we embrace the opportunities that the new year brings, our dedication at Hug Love Product is to attract more affiliate members to join our program; refine and simplify the product testing process for our valued affiliate family members, and also provide more guidance and training on how we can grow together; 

  • Curate and feature user-generated content on our social media channels to build a sense of community.
  • Explore collaborations with pet influencers, bloggers, and other brands to expand our reach.
  • Forge partnerships with pet-related organizations or charities to showcase our commitment to the well-being of pets.
  • Develop comprehensive and easy-to-follow testing guidelines for affiliates to streamline the process.
  • Implement efficient communication channels for real-time support during the testing period.
  • Establish regular check-ins and updates to keep affiliates informed about the progress of their feedback.
2. Tune-up on our Blogs

As we step into a new year filled with possibilities, We are committing to deepening our connection with the pet-loving community. We pledge to take our blog more seriously, dedicating time to organize our research findings and share valuable insights about our boss babies - dogs and cats. This endeavor aims to create an engaging space where we not only provide informative content but also share casual and fun blogs and newsletters to strengthen our bond with our cherished audience.

  • Increase the frequency of informative and educational blog posts covering a range of topics relevant to pet owners.
  • Include practical tips, guides, and in-depth articles to empower pet owners in understanding and caring for their furry companions.
  • Introduce a series of casual and fun blogs that showcase the lighter side of pet ownership, including anecdotes, stories, and entertaining pet-related content.
  • Incorporate humor, heartwarming moments, and relatable experiences to make our blog a delightful destination for pet enthusiasts.
  • Launch regular newsletters to communicate directly with our audience, sharing updates, promotions, and exclusive content.
  • Encourage audience interaction by including polls, Q&A sessions, and exclusive offers in newsletters to foster a sense of community.
3. Improve Our Social Media Strategy

In 2024, we aim to not only drive organic traffic but also to engage and connect with pet lovers on a deeper level. This resolution reflects our dedication to creating meaningful interactions and expanding our community.

Conduct regular surveys and engage with our community to understand evolving trends and preferences in pet products.
Create a comprehensive content calendar outlining themes, events, and promotions throughout the year.
Align content with pet-related holidays, awareness months, and trends to capture the attention of our audience.
Invest in high-quality visuals and engaging storytelling to showcase our products in real-life pet situations.
Experiment with video content, including product demonstrations, customer testimonials, and behind-the-scenes glimpses.
Implement a streamlined content creation workflow to ensure consistent and timely delivery.

4. Pop-up & Market

In 2023, we attend one market event with Centre Paws. It was certainly a very new and exciting experience. There were a lot of things we needed to improve on (ex. product overflow, poor product displays & too introverted to market our products to customers).  In 2024, we plan to attend as many events & markets as State College offers to increase our brand awareness locally. Through markets, we plan to receive live feedback from customers’ reactions to our product offerings, which we think is what we can’t often get as an online shop. Plus we also get to meet more awesome pet friends (dogs & hopefully outdoor cats).

Measurable Outcome

  • Introduce at least 10 new pet products per quarter, ensuring a regular influx of fresh and exciting items.
  • Launch at least 1 limited edition collection throughout the year.
  • Enhance overall satisfaction among affiliates participating in the testing process.
  • Publish 2 informative blog posts per month, covering a diverse range of topics.
  • Introduce 1 casual and fun blog per month to diversify content.
  • Get newsletter subscribers and engagement by the end of 2024.
  • Develop a content plan and editorial calendar to organize and schedule blog posts, ensuring a consistent and engaging flow of content throughout the year. Plan for special occasions, pet-related holidays, and seasonal themes.
  • Introduce at least 1 customizable pet product within the first quarter of 2024.
  • Achieve a 20% reduction in delivery times for domestic orders in 2024.
  • Increase sizing survey participation compared to the previous year, ensuring a diverse and representative dataset.
  • Maintain an ongoing dialogue with customers through social media, email newsletters, and customer service channels to keep them informed about sizing initiatives. Encourage them to share their experiences and suggestions for improvement.
  • Increase organic traffic to our online store by 200% compared to the previous year.
  • Establish collaborations with at least 1 pet organization throughout the year.
  • Regularly analyze social media analytics to understand the performance of different types of content, posting times, and audience engagement. Use insights to optimize future content strategies and refine the approach.


In 2024, our team is dedicated to being the catalyst for smiles and tail wags. We resolve to continue providing a delightful array of fun, eye-pleasing pet products for our beloved pets and their humans, as well as unique and enjoyable items for our cherished pet-loving community. So Here's to a year filled with laughter, tail wiggles, and the joy that comes from sharing special moments with our furry companions!

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